What Are The Pros And Cons Of Solar Energy?

Benefits Of Solar Energy To The Environment And More.

  1. Solar energy is quickly becoming one of the most reliable forms of renewable energy in a world that continues to grapple with shifting towards sustainable sources of energy.
  2. While the technology is not capable of fully harnessing the power of the sun, many breakthroughs in recent years have made solar energy a feasible energy source in most parts of the world.
  3. Solar energy is now used in a range of applications from domestic to industrial to the private sector.
  4. If you are considering solar energy for your needs, you might be wondering if the shift to renewable energy is worth it or not.
  5. It is essential that you first understand how the technology works before deciding on making the shift.

What Is Solar Energy?

  • In its most basic form, solar technology harnesses the power of the sun by converting sunlight into energy.
  • This is usually done in two ways – with the help of photovoltaic panels or mirrors that concentrate the power of the sun.
  • The energy produced by this technology can be directly used to generate electricity or is stored in batteries or thermal storage.
  • In most cases, the electricity generated is either directly used at the site of installation or is sent to the electric grid.
  • In many instances, if there is excess energy produced, that is, more electricity generated than required, the excess is sent to the electric grid.
  • Solar energy is used in various applications.
  • Many governments are offering subsidies and buy-backs to encourage the use of technology in the domestic sector.
  • Apart from this, even the private industry is being wooed to use solar energy when possible.
  • Several government solar projects are already showing success in multiple nations.

What Are The Benefits Of Solar Power?

There are many advantages to shifting to solar energy for your home. Depending on where you live, you might find that these advantages vary. Here are the pros of solar power.

1. Reduction in Power Bills

One of the most powerful arguments for shifting to solar energy is the significant savings you can make with regards to your energy bills. Your own solar energy-producing unit produces the electricity required and you do not have to pay recurring energy bills if the electricity produced is sufficient for your needs.

2. Significant Subsidy For Initial Investments

Most government bodies offer significant subsidies for installing solar panels to generate electricity. This will help you save money on the initial investment required for the technology. Some governments also offer tax benefits for those who have installed solar panels.

3. Energy independence

You will no longer be tied to the electric output of your local energy plant. Solar power is a renewable source of energy with the sun being a source of infinite energy. Many nations are moving towards this technology as it makes them energy independent and no longer subject to foreign output. As the demand for energy keeps driving up, this is an important concern for many nations.

4. Low maintenance costs

One of the most compelling benefits of using systems that generate solar power is their low maintenance costs. These systems are designed to last for more than 20 years and many solar power companies will service the system regularly for a low cost. As the technology keeps evolving, any modifications will only help improve the output.

5. Small carbon footprint

It has become essential to consider our overall carbon footprint in a world that is grappling with the dangerous effects of climate change. Solar power has no dangerous emissions, free from greenhouse gases, and does not produce pollutants. While there might be some level of carbon generated in producing and distributing solar power systems, this is negligible compared to traditional forms of energy production.

6. Benefits the electric grid

The excess electrical energy produced by a solar power system can be laid directly into the existing electrical grid. This can go a long way in reducing the load on the grid, thus reducing the need for energy to be produced via conventional, expensive, and more polluting means. In many places, the owner of the excess solar power generated is even compensated for the contribution.

7. Can be used in all climates

A common myth is that solar power can be generated only in regions that are hot. However, this is not true. Today’s solar power systems require only sunlight to generate energy. Many studies have shown that colder climates are preferred since they do not overheat the system’s parts.

What are the disadvantages of solar power?

There are certain disadvantages to using the technology that you must be aware of. If these disadvantages apply to your particular situation, then perhaps solar power will not be a pertinent solution.

1. Doesn’t work at night

There hasn’t been enough development of batteries to save energy for domestic usage. This means that an average house will need to tap into the grid for their electricity during the night. Solar energy is used in real-time in such situations.

2. Affects aesthetics

Solar panels are not designed to look good and this can affect the overall look of a house or project. If you are concerned about selling your house in the future, where the aesthetics are key to the sale, then solar panels could be a hindrance. You will have to ensure that the panels are hidden away in a spot that is not easily noticeable.

3. It requires valuable space

The more panels you have installed, the more energy the system will generate. However, the trade-off for more panels is that you have to give up or make space for them. This might be an issue for some, particularly in smaller homes or places with high real estate prices where space is a luxury.

4. It cannot be relocated

Once a solar power system is installed in a house, it is most likely going to stay there. Relocating the system and the panels to a new house can prove to be a costly affair. This means that you will have to re-invest in a system at your new house. However, a solar power system will increase the value of your home, which could cover the cost of investing in a new system.

To make it as simple as possible, here is a table with all the pros and cons of solar energy.



Reduced electricity bill

Intermittent energy source

Subsidized investment

Requires space

Energy independence

Affects aesthetics

Smaller carbon footprint

Cannot be relocated

Low maintenance cost


Benefits the electrical grid



From the discussion, you can see that the advantages of solar power outweigh its cons. However, each use case is unique and the decision to shift or adopt solar power must be made with all the considerations of that particular case. In case you do decide to opt for solar power, do consult with a reputed solar power company that is tied in with governmental schemes and subsidies that can be passed along to you.

Also read:

1) Why Some Businesses Still Refrain From Using Solar Panels?
2) Sustainable Resources: A Complete Guide
3) Solar Energy Startups in India: Looking at a Shining Future!
4) Reasons Why Solar Energy in India is Economically Viable!