How Safe and Secure is Online Software?

A Complete Guide to Online Accounting Software

The security of internet data is a consistent problem in today’s digital era. Apart from being successful, the most crucial thing while running a business is to secure your data at all costs.

If you're still doing your bookkeeping with Excel spreadsheets and manual registers, and you keep them in your office or on your phone, all it takes is a tragedy – a computer crash, theft, hacking, virus, etc. and everything will be lost. If your office is destroyed by natural or man-made disasters, your company will lose all of its files, which will take more time and money to restore or recover information. There are various advantages of a computerised accounting system or advantages of an online library management system over normal data management.

How Safe and Secure is Online Software?

Online accounting software benefits as it is entirely safe and stable. In reality, storing your data in online software is safer than keeping it on your device, where it may be permanently lost due to connection crash or outside damage. Furthermore, like online banking details, your information is updated regularly.

This is the primary benefit of using an online accounting system. Some people, however, remain sceptical of online computing because they tend to keep their data where they can see it. We're not saying they're wrong, but after reading this article, you'll see why using online software rather than storing your business information on a local computer is safer and more reliable.

How Does Online Software Help with Data Security?

The manufacturer and the customer are responsible for the points of weakness in online applications. The user always has to keep the source of viewing apps safe and stable.

The customer is responsible for the data storage, but the provider is also responsible for data storage. That's why tech companies operate their systems from enterprise-grade data centres with multiple layers of protection.

Access key cards are used to monitor these businesses. The network is secured by cutting-edge security technology and is monitored by a group of IT security experts 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

What Can I Do to Make Sure My Accounting System Is Safe and Secure?

The privacy and protection of users' personally identifiable information is a top priority for the few service suppliers that store it. The majority of these businesses ensure that their customers' data is well-protected. Users will learn what the benefits of accounting software are and how invoicing software providers manage data and ensure that it is safe and backed up by looking at those aspects. We'll go over a few of the points here:

  • Login security: This shows that you're up to date on security and passwords. Regardless, it is important to select a unique password and update it regularly.
  • Data encryption: Online accounting software benefits by using the same advanced encryption, ensuring that no attackers can steal your information while you work.
  • Continuous backup and updates: Online accounting firms back up the data at the end of each day. If their servers go down, you can pick up where you left off. Nothing is taken away unless you specifically request it. You can also create your own backup by storing your data in an Excel spreadsheet with several online accounting solutions. Online accounting software is revised on a regular basis, which means another layer of protection against wrongdoers.

Switch on the “Enable auto backup” option in Settings > General > Backup Setting.

  • Data protection: It refers to the technological methods we use to safeguard your personal information.
  • Multiple servers at your service: Online accountancy firms frequently rent or own multiple servers at the same time, which are often located in separate physical locations. This means that if one server fails for some reason, the other will continue to function and /keep user accounts active. The best thing is that the transition between the two servers is seamless since they are both operating at the same time.

What Do I Need to Do To Make My Account More Secure?

This is the reality that we must all accept: there is no such thing as 100 per cent protection anywhere. Even with advancements in security technologies, there is always a chance that the defence will fail.

However, in the internet world, the most common cause of security breaches is user error or carelessness. Although this can seem harsh, it also implies that you should take steps to improve the security and safety of the data.

What can you do to increase security?

  • Make a strong password with at least 10 characters, upper and lowercase letters, a mix of numbers, and special symbols. This dramatically decreases the chances of advanced hacking programs using your password.
  • Change your passwords on a regular basis: Every three months is a good rule of thumb. Also, if you have several accounts with the same password, update them! To improve protection, each profile must have its own code.
  • Keep the backup file accessible: Online backup backs up your files to your personal Google Drive, ensuring that it is secure. Online data information is stored on a server that is connected to the Internet, and you'll need an internet Connection to conduct offsite storage.
  • Keep backup offline: When it comes to offline backup, it refers to the first and most popular method of storing data on a physical device such as an external hard disk, a pen drive, an Sd card, and so on. This backup procedure is simple and easy to complete.

What Is the Difference Between Online and Offline Software?

As a comparison point

Online Software

Offline (Desktop) Software

Access to information

From any place, on a laptop, an Android phone, or an Android tablet; you can delegate power to various users based on your preferences.

Access is restricted to a single PC; with certain connectivity, LAN communication of desktop applications is possible

Updates to Software

The consumer does not have to exert any effort.

User effort is needed. It is essential to have some technical knowledge.

Loss of knowledge

Data backups are normally performed on a daily and automated basis. The information is kept safe on databases in data centres that have earned global security certification.

Data loss is a possibility due to hardware failures, disk crashes, and other factors.

Virus danger

Experts manage and secure the servers. Viruses have the least impact on the operating systems.

Viruses have a very high chance of corrupting the results. Anti-virus software may help to some degree, but keep in mind that viruses are the ones who strike first and cause the damage. Anti-virus software is then updated to prevent this from happening again. That is how the loop operates.

Upgrade the operating system

Since no software is installed, there is no impact.

It's possible that the program would need to be reinstalled. These license keys must also be located.


Online accounting software tracks financial reports, cash flow, invoicing, bank balances, and purchasing orders for companies. These systems can provide customised features for specific business sizes, such as self-employed or freelancers, small companies, or businesses.

The main advantages of online software solutions are obvious: greater cost and expense visibility, improving product monitoring, and real-time purchasing orders, all of which contribute to more financially sound decision-making. Furthermore, systems may produce financial reports in a variety of formats to clearly explain data to the appropriate audience.

Also read:

1) Should You Lease or Buy Equipment for Your Small Business or Startup?
2) Business Ideas: 8 businesses you can start from home easily
3) PoS Machine: Types, Benefits for small businesses & more
4) All About Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

5) OkCredit: Simple, Paperless & Secure solution for businesses

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Q. Is accounting software available online safe and secure?

Ans. Yes, online accounting software is entirely safe and stable. In reality, storing your data on a computer website is safer than keeping it on your device, where it may be permanently lost in case of a system crash or external damage. Furthermore, your information is updated on a regular basis.

Q. What about the nefarious hackers and crooks?

Ans. Each and every account is bank-level encrypted, and it is continually backed up and encoded at the end of each day. Network data monitoring ensures that only you and the approved staff have access to your sensitive information.

Q. Should I backup or share my personal information with my accountant by exporting it?

Ans. Yes, of course! In reality, we recommend that you save your data in CSV format from time to time to ensure that everything is in order. As a result, you can create a backup on your device and send it, along with all of your data, to your accountant via email or any other medium.