What are the basics of starting a small business?

Things to know before starting a small business

Starting a new and small business is a dream for many, and this article will help you achieve that dream. The most common question that any enthusiastic and first-time entrepreneur will have is how to start a small business when you have very little money. It’s a valid concern as there are already some established companies in your market that are huge in terms of financial power. Don’t let that dishearten you! We are here to tell you how you can start your small business and scale it up eventually. Before starting a business, you need to gather all the necessary information that will affect your business. In this blog, you will know about the things to focus on while starting your new small business.

1. Focus on value proposition: How to open a small business? What is the problem that you will be solving with your product/service for the customers? The initial step is identifying your business idea and ensuring that there is a constant demand for your products because only then would the customers be willing to pay if you provide them with unique solutions that directly address their problems. This is the step where your business will ensure that it will remain operational and functional for the long run.

2. Understand the market by focussing on customers: You need a demand to run a successful business. It can be found when you study the market well and focus on individual customers’ problems. You can find many instances where the business doesn’t have a unique idea. However, still, they are prospering because they have mastered the marketing techniques. You need to research the demographics, population type, and consumers’ buying habits, and then launch a product that aligns with their buying intent.

You can check the competitors and do the analysis freely as numerous websites showcase their key metrics for free. If you are not aware of how to check that, you can hire freelancers.

3. Start small and grow: Start your self-funded small business because you will learn about the market more by experiencing it first-hand. As you get more information about the demand, you will need to develop your products/services to meet it. Scrap out the unnecessary products and keep improving the demanded ones. It will take time and grow slowly, but you can scale it more rapidly once you have a sufficient customer pool.

4. Analyse your resources: Resources here refer to your strengths, time and skills that are available for the business. These are significant resources that you need to optimise for your small business. Don’t push hard on subjects you are not aware of as it will cause harm to your business, instead comprehend when to hire/outsource the relevant profile for your business. Many marketplaces offer paid services in various fields such as accounting, website building and research.

5. Get in touch with mentors and advisors: No need to panic with the thought of paid consultation as you can do these freely with many social media sites providing engagement space. You can check various seminars, events, courses and community platforms to find the niche experts who can help. Although it may be a little difficult to get one response, you can easily clear your doubts instantly. Quora and Medium are good platforms to start interacting with experts. Remember that one person cannot know all domains and require the expertise of subject matter experts to optimise your small business growth.

6. Prepare a robust business and marketing plan: When you are just starting a new business from scratch, it becomes necessary to build a road map of your business execution that is both feasible and workable for your team. A written business plan ensures that you are going on the right track and are following all the necessary protocols to manoeuvre your business. Moreover, a written plan is easy to circulate among multiple team members and keeps the whole work in check.

In your business plan, try to include the goals as well. For example, if you have started a dairy farm business, then plan things accordingly to achieve your goals. Goals can be any feasible milestones such as hitting $10,000 revenue by the end of the year or expanding the business in the whole city in the next two years. Additionally, do not try to do everything at once! It’s not like you will maximise your revenues and expand the business in multiple cities in a year. Focus on one important aspect of your business such as revenue, growth, scalability and then work on that particular plan for the desired timeframe.

7. Analyse the business performance: Once the business is up and running, it also becomes important to analyse your business in a fixed time frame. In India, we have a financial year in which all businesses produce their balance sheets and income statements. This is to analyse the business in terms of real numbers for the promoters and investors. Remember that these numbers are used to attract more investors, which will help your business to expand. Hence, do not ignore the financial analysis aspect of your business.

Balance sheets also help you cut unnecessary costs and positively optimise your most profitable resources.

8. Outsource professionals: When you are just starting and are running tight on funds, it is often better to outsource rather than permanently hire employees. Contract work is also a good option as it enables you to utilise the services of experienced professionals for a fixed period until your business needs them. You can hire these professionals from many outsourcing platforms that are available on the internet for free. Remember to check their past experience and interview them as per your suitability.

9. Have a passion: It’s important that you love what you do. Working just to get fame will not make you successful unless you have wealthy parents. Small business often requires a lot of hard work and patience, and it is not for people who do not love their jobs. It is an important aspect of how to start your own business and run it successfully.


Starting your own business is a dream for many, which can be turned into reality with planning and action. You can use automation and technology to take the leap. Platforms like OKCredit help you check your financial management and redirect you in the right direction. Follow the above points to start a growing business.

Also Read:

1) 9 Things You Should Keep in Mind Before Rebranding Your Business
2) 10 Best Business Sustainability Strategies & Solutions For Business Growth
3) 10 Reasons Why It's Easy to Start a Business in India
4) 10 Budgeting Tips For Small Business Owners

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Q. What are some small business tips and tricks that I can use in my business?

Ans. If you are looking for some small business tips and tricks, then this is the right platform. You need to start your small business with lots of planning and market analysis. The right market is the customer segment that will be ready to buy your products.

Q. How to make my small business scale up without money?

Ans. Scaling up a business requires long-term planning and a vision of what you want to do with the business. If your business is running well at the local level, then it is the right indication to scale up your business. If your small business is not making money, then either you need to change the market target or modify your products to suit the current needs of the customers.

Q. What to do when in doubt regarding my small business?

Ans. You should seek guidance from experienced industry professionals who act as your mentor/advisor. Many platforms organise seminars, workshops and sessions with subject matter experts; you can join them for free and clear your doubts.