How Attendance and Staff Management Apps are Beneficial over Traditional Attendance Registers?

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Office dynamics have been evolving at a rapid pace, and it is time for small and large-scale companies to adapt to these changes. Handling the work-from-home employees, on-site workers, leaves, attendance, payrolls, onboarding new clients, and other HR management tasks has become quite tedious for employers. Sadly, employers still rely on a single HR manager to handle all these tasks manually.

Gone are the days when traditional punch cards worked. Today, employees find it quite challenging to record their check-in and check-out manually. Mostly, employees do not pay attention to the timesheets. They fill it quickly before leaving. In fact, some workers fill the timesheets at the end of the week or month, i.e., when they are supposed to hand the documents to the human resource team.

Let’s discuss some Tips for staff management.

How is Staff Management System Better than the Traditional Attendance Tracking Software Apps?

Manual timesheet filling can lead to errors, timesheet tampering, and other such inaccuracies that might affect the businesses’ productivity. The job of HR isn’t limited to issuing paychecks; they are also supposed to keep track of the employee’s attendance, record their leaves, and manage other such operations. Most importantly, HR has to ensure that each employee gets paid on time and there’s improved retention across the company.

Sadly, the HR team never gets enough time to build a connection with the employees due to the tedious administrative and management work. The only way to reduce the burden of your HR management team is by installing a high-quality attendance and staff management system. If you haven’t yet considered replacing the traditional registers, now is the perfect time to make a switch.

Not only will it help you save time, but effective staff management can reduce errors and improve your payroll management procedure. The best part about this automated system is that it prevents time theft. Employees can no longer tamper with their attendance and payroll records. The software app can be used to monitor the employee’s login time, departure, overtime, breaks, and other such information efficiently. You can start with the spreadsheets initially, but that might turn out to be time-consuming and ineffective. Your best bet is the automatic employee management software system. Let’s take a look at a few crucial reasons why you must install an employee attendance management system at your workplace.

1. Streamlined Payroll

Even a minor error in the payroll distribution could cost your business thousands of bucks. These mistakes are not always accidental. There are times when the errors in the payroll are intentional. Either way, these mistakes can prove costly to your business. With high-quality HR management software in place, it gets easier for businesses to record the punch in and punch out the time of each employee, and issue their payroll according to the number of hours they worked, overtime commission, and more.

The staff management app can help save you a lot of time that you would otherwise end up spending on issuing payroll manually. It might seem easy to calculate the amount that’s to be paid to a couple of employees, but when you have hundreds of people working for your firm, the HR management software becomes a necessity.

2. Effective Management of Remote Employees

The global pandemic has made work-from-home a new standard these days. Now that the organisations have closed, employees are left with no other option than to work from home. It provides the employees with the convenience of clocking in and out in simple clicks, but it makes the staff management task a lot easier for the employers.

The HR team can view the employee’s performances and their working hours from a single centralised system. The staff management system has proven to improve the efficiency of employees. You don’t have to tie your employees to the workplace. That’s what the attendance tracking tool helps you achieve.  The uses of an accurate staff management app go beyond the attendance recording. It allows employers to track the employees’ overtime, missed punches, and other crucial information that could be used later for payroll.

3. Handle Leave Requests

Keeping track of the employees’ absence is as important as recording their presence and calculating their overtime. Whether it is a sick leave or the employee has sent a leave application for a planned vacation, it must be easier for the employer to view these applications and take necessary action on them.

Manual tools might not prove sufficient in helping you track the leave requests, accept or decline these applications, and handle a large number of leave applications efficiently. These ineffective tracking tools could result in a spike in employee turnover and low employee morale. The automated staff and attendance management system enable users to deal with the employees’ absence details seamlessly. It also streamlines HR and workforce planning.

4. Compliance and Reports

Another major reason why the digital staff management system is better than the traditional registers is that it keeps you up-to-date with regulatory compliance. Most states provide the employees with vacation, time-offs, and other benefits.

Employers are responsible for ensuring that the employees get regular breaks so that they can carry out the regular tasks without having to face any form of burden or stress. Automation is extremely important for SMEs and large-scale companies. Failure to follow the compliance policies can result in wage theft allegations and other issues.

5. Easier to Manage Customers

The success of a business depends on the employees’ accuracy, as well as customers’ satisfaction. An unhappy customer will not return to your store, neither will they recommend your business to their friends or relatives. You must be wondering how the staff management app can help improve customers’ experience.

Software development companies have designed advanced and high-quality employee management tools, designed specifically to evaluate employee’s performance. The tools ensure that the customers are given the best treatment.

6. Boosts Employee Productivity

Your employees do not need to clock in and out of the workplace manually. Staff management apps, like OkStaff, allow your employees to record their attendance and handle other management-related operations efficiently. Not only does it save your employees the time of recording the attendance, but the staff management software app is designed to reduce the cost associated with the management operations. With an attendance tracking software system in place, the employees can focus on their performances instead of wasting their time on recording their attendance or spending time calculating the payroll. It boosts employees’ productivity, thus improving the performance of the organisation.

7. Smooth Workflow Management

As mentioned earlier, the major goal of the attendance and employee management software is to streamline the workflow management, and make it easier for the HR department to handle all kinds of payroll and staff-related operations efficiently. The employees can send the notification regarding their time-offs, leaves, early departure, and overtime easily. You can do it without having to communicate with the supervisors.


So, these were the few reasons why a staff management platform is considered your go-to solution for recording the attendance of employees, tracking their performances, and managing other such functions in the easiest possible way. The cloud-based attendance tracking app, such as OkStaff, allows users to track real-time data from a centralised platform. It comes with real-time tracking functions that are designed to provide employers with a seamless platform where they can manage a vast array of management and HR-related tasks easily.

Also Read:

1) How to Deal with Your Small Business Crisis During a Recession?
2) Data Privacy Laws: Their Impact on Small Business Operations
3) Retail and Wholesale Industry Overview
4) OkCredit: All you need to know about OkCredit & how it works.

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Q. Why are traditional staff management tools ineffective?

Ans. Not only do they affect the productivity levels, but it’s super overwhelming for your human resource team to manage the workforce manually with the traditional staffing systems.

Q. What can the staff management software be used for?

Ans. The software makes it possible for employees to swap the employees’ shifts. You could also use it for allocating work, forecasting workloads, and handling budgets efficiently.

Q. When should you start using the staff management software?

Ans. With the impacts of a global pandemic on the businesses and workforce dynamics, now is the perfect time for companies to embrace the employee leave management system for efficient operations.