101 Guide to Staff Management
Employees or staff are the backbones of any business, and effective management of the staff helps the organisation achieve its objectives and vision. Proper management of staff is a tedious task, and without appropriate management of staff system, no business can perform at its peak. Therefore, the only solution is implementing staff management systems, which handle both the salary management and attendance for the company. Staff management systems are essential for large corporations and equally helpful for small business owners. Implementation of staff management systems is often considered one of the most influential small business tips that help business owners work efficiently and maintain a disciplined office environment.
What is a Staff Management System?
A staff management system is an online employee management platform that consists of important staff information and tools required for effective management of employees. It also manages all the work-related information of employees. So, the system acts as an employee manager that handles salary systems, work-related activities, personal information of employees, etc. So, here are nine reasons why you should implement staff management platforms in your organisation or small business. Implementation of staff management systems is the first step towards the digital transformation of business.
9 Reasons Why You Should Use Staff Management Platform
1. Source of employee information
Staff management systems consist of all employees’ personal information, making the task easier for HR managers. Personal data of employees like contact information, birth date, working hours, salary system, previous work experiences, etc., can easily be stored in staff management platforms. This information is readily accessible to both the employee and the organisation.
2. It is a highly effective management system
Information stored is accessible to all the employees, which makes communication among the employees better. The employees’ working schedules can be updated anytime on the staff management system, leading to efficient and effective management of employees. It avoids making calls as one can send any information or message through the system.
3. It allows the management to focus more on the growth of the business
Maintaining a schedule of employee working hours, keeping a record of employee attendance, and checking employees’ entry and exit time is a secondary and tedious task, which takes a lot of time. A staff management system helps to save this time by keeping a proper record of employee attendance, office timings and working schedules, allowing the management to focus more on the organisation’s primary business, and climbing the steps towards the business’s growth.

4. Accurate information and updated data
A staff management system information is updated mainly by the source itself, i.e., the employees. So, the accuracy and reliability of the information are higher. Accessibility of the system allows the employees to update information anytime, like changed phone numbers, etc. Thus, using a dedicated staff management system reduces the chances of having obsolete employee information in the database.
5. Easy assessment of employees performances
A staff management system allows managers to quickly access employee performance and reports, which helps decide employee rewards and appraisals. It even allows employees to review their performance and check their progress. These reports are stored in the platform, allowing the management to access the reports anytime.
6. It is a digital system
Maintaining a proper record of employees requires many registers, which leads to wastage of a lot of paper. A staff management system is all digital, allowing the business to reduce paper use — thus protecting the environment. There are high chances that it might get leaked or stolen if you store important information on paper. A staff management system protects the organisation from such situations.
7. Better salary management system
One of the major benefits of using a staff management system is the better management of salary and other expenses. You can easily keep a record of employees' salary. Employees can access the salary history, salary breakup and can even download salary slips from the portal. It allows the business to keep a proper record of advance salaries given, salaries pending, salary payment dates, reimbursement amounts, and other employee expenses. This feature is beneficial for small businesses where employees usually take advance salaries, and payments depend on a commission basis. A staff management system allows small business owners to keep a proper record of bonuses paid to employees and pay extra working hours. This transparent salary management system allows effective management of employees and better communication between employees and management.
8. Allows the confidentiality of important staff information
Not all the information should be accessible by the employees. Some information is to be kept private from other employees and accessible by the senior management or the owners only. Staff management systems provide the confidentiality feature that protects the information from public viewing and allows only the senior management to access it. Uploading such information on the platform is safer than writing in papers accessible by everyone and might get leaked.

9. Maintain a proper database of both past and present employees
Maintaining an appropriate record of past or retired employees is as important as maintaining a proper present employee database. Staff management systems allow the management to keep a proper record of past employees with emergency contact details, address details, personal details etc. A proper database of employees is needed for any contingency that might arise in the future, and sometimes performance information is needed by their new companies.
A staff management system is the first step toward effective management. It keeps a proper record of employees' performances, allowing the organisation to look at the employees’ weaknesses and improve them for better business growth. A clear record of employee working hours, performance, potential, etc., allows a disciplined work environment in the organisation, improved communication, and better employee-employer relationship. Implementation of staff management systems will enable the management to focus more on the organisation’s primary business. There are fewer complaints about the salaries as everything is transparent on the platform and can be checked by the employees anytime.
Q. Which is the best staff management system that I can use in my business/ small business?
Ans: OkStaff is one of the best management systems that can manage employees' performances, attendance, salaries, reports, progress, etc. It is a digital application that helps you save employees' personal information and keep a proper employee database. It is available with enormous features like an attendance sheet, salary system, confidentiality feature, etc.
Q. What is the cost of an OkStaff management system?
Ans: OkStaff is a staff management system that is entirely free and allows transparency between the employees and the employer. There is no cost charged to use various features of the OkStaff management system’s multiple features like reports submission, attendance tracking, computation of salary payable, and many more.
Q. How can I download the OkStaff application for my business?
Ans: OkStaff is a 100% safe application made in India and available on Google Play Store. You can set up the OkStaff application for your business in the following steps:
- Download the OkStaff application from Google Play Store
- Verify the phone number of your business on the application
- Enter necessary business details like the name of the company, etc.
- Now, your OkStaff application is ready, and you can start using the features free of cost.
Q. Can I use the OkStaff application for my small business?
Ans: Yes, the OkStaff application is accessible free of cost for any business and kind of business. It consists of features that are beneficial to both large corporations and small businesses. The OkStaff application features are suited for all types of businesses like vegetable businesses, grocery shops, garment stores, pharmacy shops, restaurants, medical stores, wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers, distributors, coaching centres, schools, etc.
Q. What are the main features of the Ok Staff management system?
Ans: OkStaff management system has the following features:
- Track daily attendance of employees
- Submission of reports and assignments
- Assignment of duties and tasks to employees
- Keep a proper record of payments, including advance salaries and bonuses.
- Feature to download salary slips and invoices directly from the application
- Computation of salary with transparency by providing a complete breakup of salary