How To Promote My Online Jewellery Business?

An industry that has witnessed massive growth in the past few years is the Jewellery Industry. The reason for that is the increasing disposable income of the Indian middle class and growing global demand. Jewellery also plays a significant role as an instrument of investment which makes it crucial for policy-makers.

However, the online jewellery market is still in its nascent phase, with only a few sellers. But as more customers are becoming comfortable shopping for jewellery online, more and more sellers are beginning to sell online as well.

Many customers are even switching from physical jewellery stores and making high ticket purchases online. Due to this consumer uncertainty and declining footfall on jewellery shops, a massive boom in the online business of jewellery will be witnessed very soon.

Why should you sell jewellery online?

In any business, it’s essential to move with the times and adapt accordingly. Here are some of the reasons you should be selling your jewellery online if you aren’t already.

1. Huge Market

First things first; online business is booming. Most services are being digitised today. And the jewellery industry is not far behind. The industry has been able to leverage the power of online business for their products. Individuals are buying jewellery from all around the world, while sellers are making sure that they reach them effectively.

2. Building a brand that people trust

Every online business has tech-savvy customers these days. They’re extremely specific with their demands and know just what they want. That is why online jewellery stores are leveraging on the online business for creating a brand reputation. By having an e-commerce website or an App, you can easily capture the interest of customers.

3. Displaying a large variety

Unlike physical jewellery shops, selling jewellery online allows you to display a sizeable variety of collection easily. As a result, customers also get more options to choose from before buying. Sellers can also help buyers make reliable and fast decisions by categorising the jewellery in different pages.

However, with great opportunities comes great challenges. One of the vital challenges faced by new sellers is online marketing. Converting visitors into buyers isn’t easy.

But there are some hacks and techniques that can be used. So if you’re a jewellery seller who’s just started his online business or looking to start one, here are a few ways in which you can promote your brand online.

1. Blogging About Your Online Business

An excellent way to use online marketing for jewellery is by blogging about your products. It’s an easy and efficient way to spread the word about your offerings. You can talk about personal experiences while highlighting both benefits and features of the jewellery.

Customers want to know how your jewellery can change their life. And that’s precisely what you should be giving them. Some tips to keep in mind while blogging:

  1. Post regularly
  2. Conversational tone
  3. Post diversified content

2. Social Media Marketing is Key

You’ll have a better chance of making a sale if your brand has a social media presence. Being visible on social media would allow you to create a following for your brand. Once you have a loyal set of followers, your engagement is bound to go up as well. The result would be increased product discovery that’d drive site traffic and more visitors becoming customers.

Deciding and finalising on a social media platform depends on the product. In the case of Jewellery, Instagram and Facebook are what you should be targeting as buyers want to visualise a piece of jewellery. Eye-catching imagery and customer features are a must for social media posts.

Additionally, try to highlight what your brand offers and how you’re different from your competitors. Features like Instagram Reels and Facebook Live are doing well with the customers these days. So don’t miss out on them either.

Social media is also a great place to create contests. They’d help you increase engagement, and you’d have a better chance at making a sale.

3. Promoting on Personal Social Media Accounts

In addition to having a social media presence for your brand, it’s vital to promote your jewellery offerings on personal social media accounts. You can also ask your friends or family to post about your products once or twice a week. Once they do that, you can repost the same on your account.

However, make sure that you post differently on your personal and business accounts as nobody likes a hard-selling business owner. Visual marketing giants like Pinterest and Instagram are great for this.

4. Try your hands at Paid Advertising

Users these days are bombarded with content on digital platforms which makes it tough to stand out. An easy and efficient way of grabbing the attention of new users is through paid advertising.

Facebook Ads are a tried and tested method. You’d be able to reach your selected demographic, resulting in increased visibility. Facebook also provides insights that you can use to your business’ advantage.

Instagram Ads and boosted search results on google are another great way of reaching your potential customers. Additionally, you could also run display ads or sponsor content by partnering with other businesses.

Over a period, you’d be able to determine your best-paid advertising opportunity using analytics. What more? It’d become easier to understand the likes and interests of your customers.

5. Email Marketing

Getting email subscribers can be a great way to generate leads. Using email marketing to gain email subscribers fosters an engaged customer base. As a result, you end up making more sales for your online business.

An excellent way to get customers to opt-in for emails is by offering incentives. Offering a benefit to the users that’s hard to pass on is vital. Numerous brands provide access to exclusive content or one-time discounts. Although, before you offer something, study your customer base to acknowledge what they cherish most.

Once you have an increasing catalogue of email subscribers, it’s time to deliver high quality, relevant, and personalised content. For instance, many weekly newsletters highlight new promotions or provide personalised recommendations based on off-site navigation activity and previous shopping behaviour.

6. Collaborate with influencers

A growing field in online marketing is influencer marketing. To promote your online jewellery store and brand, you’d have to prioritise forming relationships with influencers. While selecting an influencer to collaborate with, keep the budget and the size of your business in mind.

If you have the funds, you can go for the larger names in the industry. Otherwise, choosing to collaborate with micro-influencers would be a safer bet. As they’re trusted by their followers to deliver original content, influencers can increase brand awareness and help you in making a sale. Additionally, they’d earn a commission, so everybody wins.

Tip: Instead of focusing on the size of their following, study the engagement rate of the influencers.

7. Optimise your site for SEO

In order to rank above your competitors on search engines, it’s essential to use search engine optimisation in your online marketing strategy. While optimising your site, for SEO, make sure to pay close attention to your product descriptions, product reviews, and URL building. Additionally, you could also use content marketing to improve your SEO while bringing traffic to your online jewellery shop.


With the online jewellery stores witnessing further growth year after year, it’s a great time to set up your jewellery shop online. There are sellers from various niches offering diversified jewellery options to the customers.

With the right online marketing strategy, you’ll be able to manage different product categories effortlessly. Using social media tools, collaborating with influencers, and cashing in on paid advertising will do wonders to your name.

Setting up your personalised website and optimising it using SEO will considerably benefit your online business. If you want to succeed as an online jewellery store, it’s essential to add value to your customers. Develop a marketing strategy using a mix of the above tools and techniques, and you’d have no trouble triumphing in the online jewellery industry.

Your online marketing strategies will always be taking new shape and progressing. But the above techniques mentioned above will help you stay on track.

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