Why Is It Important To Stay Ahead Of The Competition?
- Most startup companies have a single-minded concentration to start their business and earn quick revenues.
- In most cases, new companies don’t do systematic research about existing competition in the market and what kind of marketing they are doing for their business.
- There is often a mistaken assumption that, since the company, idea, or suggestion is a good one, there is no competition.
- The truth is that you are typically dealing with rivals already and offering the same or a substitute solution.
- If you had a brilliant idea, there’s a fair chance someone else would have thought the same thing.
- If there are no current rivals and the company concept is a good one, then it’ll be there soon.
- It’s a question of how simple and fast your solution is as compared to other alternatives in the market.
- The first-mover advantage is not as powerful as it used to be in this age of digital startups.
- Big corporations have the capacity to attract, acquire, and launch new goods or services.
- In order to smash a new startup within a short period of time, these major corporations will use their wealth, relationships, client base, and proven brand awareness.
- Therefore, your company must build a comprehensive strategy for your products or services based on your USP.
- Read more to find out the best strategies to stay ahead of the competition irrespective of the market size and competition.
10 Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Competition
1. Plan Your Strategy Based On Your Strength.
- It is essential to figure out your strength before planning your strategy for your business.
- You need to calculate the opportunity for your products and services in the market.
- Use it as a means to distinguish yourself from your rivals in a way that can be recognised and appreciated by your current and future customers.
- The differentiating factor of your products or solutions can play a vital role in staying ahead of your competition.
2. Adopt A Client-Centric Approach.
- Who deals with your customers in your company?
- Are they improving or deteriorating the experience of the customers?
- Do you answer those needs and continue to grow with them to remain relevant?
- The expectations of clients can change drastically.
- Don’t leave a justification for your clients to shop around or consider moving to a rival.
- Make a detailed plan considering all touchpoints like the pre-sales phase, during sales, and post-purchase experience that they have with your company.
- Also, make an effort to make your existing clients happy.
- They will be the target market of your rivals.
- Enhance customer support by being more attentive to their desires and needs.
- Consider delivering low-cost extras such as expanded terms of credit, discounts, or reward plans.
- Holding current clients is cheaper and simpler than finding new ones.
3. Invest In Advertisements
- To build awareness about your company, do advertisements on suitable media based on your products or services.
- Don’t keep your products or services a well-kept secret.
- Many corporations believe that competition or even their own consumers know everything about their goods, services, advantages, and characteristics.
- Let your customers know what your company is, what solutions you have, and how you can support your customers with your goods or services.
- Make it simple for them by using word-of-mouth to spread knowledge about your company and create greater awareness.
- Invest in a campaign to draw awareness about your company and spread the word about solutions that you have for your consumers.
- Keep in touch with your customers and make sure that they’re about to buy from you and not from your competitor.
- Remember, the advertisement options need not have to be costly.
- In today’s digital age, advertising ideas can be very cost-effective with a concentrated targeting strategy.
4. Implement A Well-Planned Growth Strategy.
- How are you going to scale up your company and sell more of your existing goods and services?
- Are you going to add extra goods or services that supplement what you are already selling?
- Remember, you’re running behind when you’re not growing while your competitors are increasing their market share.
- A detailed plan about what you are planning to achieve and the steps to achieve it can go a long way to help you taste success.
- It also helps to reduce the risk by expanding your client base and product or service offerings.
- What are the investments you need to make, the tools you need, and the possible roadblocks that could stop you?
- Finding out answers to these questions can help you design an efficient strategy for your business.
- If you have an attack strategy and regularly track your progress, you are more likely to create a strong and profitable organisation.

5. Make Continuous Innovation.
- Is there a simpler way for a result to be achieved?
- How is it going to improve the customer experience?
- Will this draw new customers?
- You can also get these ideas to grow from your clients, workers, rivals, and suppliers.
- When you receive feedback, complaints, or make errors, you can get an idea from them as well.
- Stop and think about whether a method can be implemented to further develop how you run your company or your product offerings.
6. Be The Preferred Employer.
- Headhunting applicants already on the market is the perfect way to step things up.
- However, make sure your competitors don’t do the same with you.
- Recruit the right staff and then find ways to keep them happy.
- To protect people from leaving, take care of them, figure out what’s driving them.
- Figure out what would help them to improve their output and, in turn, the output of your company.
- Being a great employer who cares about the employee, you should ensure that the employees are well looked after and happy with the working environment.
- This also helps to improve productivity.
- Vibrant, rising enterprises are underpinned by professional, motivated staff.
- A good working environment, and advantages such as flexible working and structured career growth, also impress people more.
7. Be Versatile.
- Over time, everything changes.
- The desires and perceptions of customers, systems, materials, marketing platforms, and your rivals all change with time.
- If you don’t look around to keep up with what’s going on, you might lose your edge and the reason why your customers are actually buying from you.
- Alternatively, if you remain ahead of trends and opportunities important to your customers, you would benefit from the visibility and sales that a business pioneer can achieve.
8. Know About Your Competition.
- You must have a clear idea about your competitors and their offerings.
- You need to understand their USP and the reason why customers are likely to prefer them over you.
- Keep an eye on your rivals, but follow your approach and what you know works for you and your clients.
- This will help you recognise the fields in which you need to compete and provide you with a forum to differentiate yourself.
- Devote your efforts and resources to improve your products or services to beat your competitors and gain substantial market share.
9. Ensure Uniform Representation.
- Refresh your image by adopting easy measures that can make your company look more sleek and welcoming, such as painting the front of your premises.
- Make sure your image represents your company’s strength - be it business cards, social media channels, web presence, and packaging, etc.
10. Target New Markets.
- Try to tap a new market where the competitions are less.
- It will boost your client base and reduce your risk by selling to more markets.
- By selling online or abroad, you will meet a larger audience.
- Make sure the price is customised for each distinct market segment.

The Takeaway
- Business competition can be very high in markets with low demand and less number of customers.
- To protect your marketplace and develop your competitive edge, use these ideas to gain an advantage.
- Look out for the growth-oriented competitors as they are more competitive than those still figuring out their strengths.
- Create a specific unique factor (USP) that taps into what clients want so that they prefer you over your competitors.
- The objective of your delivered solutions should be direct and clear.
- No one should have to wonder what differentiates you from others.
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