With the advancement in technology and E-commerce taking over the world, most businesses are getting online to have better chances at survival and maintain an edge over the competition. This, in turn, provides a breeding ground for more cyber-attacks and other internet-related business risks. To be very precise, a cyber-attack is any activity that tries to attach itself to a computer network illegally or without the required concern. To know more about the various types of cyber-attacks that small businesses face, read on.
1. Password Attacks
These types of attacks are the most common ones and are not too difficult to undertake. Cybercriminals try various permutations and combinations to crack the password required to enter a network. Also, given the name, the brute force attack, attackers have various programs and algorithms to keep attempting to access the network using rainbow tables or other similar automated systems.
Such types of attacks have become more frequent recently, and the way to protect your business against such attacks is to install a program that keeps changing and regulating the business's passwords and blocks more than a few attempts. Moreover, keeping very complex passwords is recommended.
The man in the middle attack is one of the oldest types of cyber-attacks. In layman's terms, when a third party enters the communication line between two parties unaware of its presence and steals valuable information, it is the man in the middle attack. The attacker may pay close attention to any information being shared over the close connection and use it to its advantage.
One of the most modern ways of MITM is to create a false WI-FI network, and the moment a device logs onto this network, all its activities are monitored. A few ways to protect yourself from such attacks are creating a very secure connection and sternly avoiding any unknown wireless network connection.
3. Phishing
Probably the most famous type of Cyber-attack, Phishing happens when cyber attackers send out various deceptive emails to their targets. The emails are masked in a way to seem genuine. Emails like these may persuade the receiver to either go to a certain website or download something on their personal device, which gives them immediate access to the entire system. Various phishing incidents are happening every single day, and people are still unaware of their existence.
They could even be in the form of store discounts or other exciting offers that the receiver seems to be interested in. The simplest way to protect your business from such attacks is to educate the employees about such mails and encourage them to either report it to spam or stay away from it altogether. They must open emails only from known senders, not respond to any unknown messages and keep their firewall up at all times.
4. Ransomware
Ransomware is one of the most advanced and dangerous types of cyber-attacks in today's time and is performed by only a skilled hacker. The cyber attacker basically copies some malware into the attacked system and forces the current user out of it. All the data and even remote access to the device is out of bounds for the user, and it is usually some really confidential information that is attacked in such cases.
The cyber attacker puts forward his demand before he agrees to restore the system and allows the user access, but even if his needs are met, there is no guarantee that he will let the user in. Ransomware is basically the digital kidnapping of some useful data that the owner would even pay an amount for. The best way to prevent such attacks is never to allow any sort of malware in your system and be secure.

5. Malware
In simple terms, any form of harmful software is classified as malware. Any application that either harms your system or transfers information to another device without the user's knowledge or concern. It might even cause some heavy damage to the machine and make the data irrecoverable. Programs like these automatically download themselves onto your system and may act overtime as per the programming.
There are various kinds of malware present on the internet today, and all of them act differently and are programmed to harm various sections of the device. For example, worms distort data and multiply over time; then there is the virus that causes your machine to malfunction, and so on. The most secure way to keep your connection malware-free is to install an anti-malware program in your system, which locates and eliminates malware as quickly as possible.
6. APT
This is supposed to be one of the deadliest forms of cyber-attacks. The Advanced Persistent Threat, more commonly known as APT, eats away slowly and steadily at your system. Instead of being active and acting in a short period of time with visible results like other attacks, APT passively gains control over a computer network and collect useful data over a significant period of time. It is very difficult to trace, and it lies latent for as long as it wants before delivering the final blow to the system.
This type of attack can be carried out through anything from a USB pen drive to patching itself through the internet to quietly monitor all the system's activities. To prevent such attacks, one must regularly and actively monitor all the networks and keep updating the software that overlooks the network and keeps the firewall up.
7. Insider Attacks
As the name suggests, such attacks are made by an insider both knowingly and unknowingly. Insider attacks are unknowingly made by employees who are either unaware or ignorant of cybersecurity measures and fail to follow the protocol. They might accidentally let in some sort of malware or other types of cyber-attacks and not even know about it.
Such employees should be educated and made aware of the cybersecurity protocol. Insider attacks are knowingly and deliberately made by people like ex-employees or individuals who might hold a grudge against the business. They are well-aware of how the system world and purposely let it malware or ever transfer valuable information to a third party. They might even give way to other forms of cyber-attack by letting the system loose.
8. DoS
Considered to be the oldest form of cyber-attack. Denial of Service, more commonly known as DoS, primarily works by not allowing the user to access the system through various ways. First, they might try to crash the system or force it to malfunction through various programs, which results in a constant error in the device. This stops the user from any sort of activity on the computer. Second, they might load some sort of application onto the system, which significantly slows it down and makes it almost impossible to use normally.
These methods are widely used to make demands from the user and hold the system hostage until the demands are met. The business must always maintain a stable, secure, and closed connection to prevent such attacks. Moreover, experts should be consulted should such attacks ever happen.

9. Eavesdropping Attack
Such attacks happen when the traffic on the network is high. The cyber attacker patches himself onto the connection and can collect useful information like passwords, card details, and similar useful information. Such information is sent directly to the hacker through the patch without the user's knowledge during his internet session. Eavesdropping is done both actively and passively, and it is equally important to be aware of both. Always maintain a secure and safe internet connection to prevent such attacks.
It is significant to remain careful to make sure that your business does not face attacks. Or else, you can face severe threats, and your business can fail.
Also read:
1) Safety Tips for Business: How to save your business from a cyber attack?
2) The Emerging Threat of Cyber Crime: Impact & Safety Tips
3) Business Safety: Tips to ensure safety at a workplace
4) Top 10 Mistakes You Should Avoid While Using a Credit Card.