Making assumptions about someone based on their culture, gender, physical, or religious attributes is nothing but stereotyping. At times, people act stereotypical, but they don’t intend to hurt anyone’s feelings. It is not realised by people how they create a work environment where others feel discriminated against. Be it a big or small business, and if the staff management system is not looked after, it will lead to significant legal problems, productivity issues, etc. This scenario can be reduced when the processes are automated. Applications like OkStaff work on automatic staff management, which would be very helpful for small businesses.
When we think of stereotyping in the workplace, the first thing that comes to mind is harassment and discrimination issues. But there are other noticeable stereotypes like cultural and generational differences, also wages difference that turns stereotypes to discrimination. Situations like salary discrimination can be reduced when salary management is automated using apps like OkStaff.
It is no surprise that stereotypes exist right at the entry-level of big to small business. It has been for years it is assumed that women can only type when men can do the heavy lifting. With all the discussion we have done so far, it is pretty clear that stereotypes adversely affect the workforce. Let us now see the negative impacts of stereotypes.
Negative Impact of Stereotypes on Work Environment
The negative impacts of stereotypes on the work environment are as given below:
- Productivity issues and retention:
The productivity level and retention of employees is likely to be reduced if their morale is lowered. It would be difficult for them to work in an environment that is not inclusive and supportive. - Low Morale:
Stereotyping can lead to lowered morale of the employee or a group of employees impacted by stereotypes. It would lead to their mental health issues and cause the work environment to become toxic. Employees who constantly face criticism, comments or negative results due to stereotypes can feel low and lose their interest and motivation in performing their best at the job. - Conflict:
Some employees focus on stereotypes and acts based on them. They don’t consider the efforts and abilities of co-workers, which leads to conflict amongst the employees. It eventually hinders the progress of the business. - Litigation:
Workplaces should not accept mistreatment or discrimination based on the personal attributes of an individual. There is always a possibility of some of the employees getting offended and affected by stereotypes. And hence, the HR department or employee manager should investigate violations and enforce fair policies in the work environment. For a small business, the staff management system is now made simple by the OkStaff app, improving productivity.
Stereotypes observed at workplaces.

- Gender Profiling:
Patriarchy has always been a part of our society, and so does it exist in the work environment. Stereotypes like “Men do all the work, they are stronger than women”, “Men = Backbone”, “women can never be as smart as men”,, etc. are the most common ones. The stereotypes also go the other way around, “Men are unclean and messy”, “Men who spend time reading or working on computers are geeks”, etc. - Racial Profiling:
Stereotyping an employee or group of employees based on their race is the most common stereotype experienced in the work environment. - Based on cultures:
Most of the employees face this kind of stereotype based on cultures, but people are often stereotyped based on their country as a whole. Considering India, a South Indian working in, say North India is likely to be stereotyped based on his cuisine, accent, etc. Other stereotypes considering a global level would be “All Asians are math freak, and they love eating rice”. - Salary Discrimination:
Based on favouritism, caste, gender, or network, the salary of the employees is manipulated. OkStaff offers employee management which includes payroll systems. It makes OkStaff a perfect choice for small businesses to automate their working system.
Acknowledging stereotypes
Stereotypes have impacted us in some or the other way. Not just at work but also at a store, or say at your home. The first step in reducing stereotypes is by acknowledging them. Think about the times when someone has made a certain assumption about you, or you have made a particular assumption about someone else. Then think about the interactions or experiences you have had, which made you create a few stereotypes about a particular individual or a group. Lastly, think of someone who has broken the stereotypes, particularly the ones which you had. Answer these for yourself:
- Assumptions made about you or names you have been called.
- Assumptions you have made about others or names you have been called.
- The time when you were mistreated only based on stereotypes
- Times when you treated another person unfairly only based on stereotypes.
How to reduce the impact of stereotypes in the workplace?
It is based on the self-assessment that stereotype threats impact how employees view themselves. While focusing on promoting diversity, the employee-manager should try to hire people with the best capabilities of doing the job and have the motivation and confidence to handle the position. An employee who feels stereotyped can not exhibit the other employee counterparts’ confidence, knowing that they are equally capable. Stereotypes can also lead an employee to miss out on an opportunity that would have led to advancement in their careers.
Stereotypes have a growing need for attention. The staff management needs to be proactive in acknowledging and handling, and preparing a work environment free from stereotype threats. The OkStaff app maintains transparency between the employees and the bosses. The staff management and salary system provided by OkStaff is a must-have for small businesses.
How a diverse workforce can be built
1. Diversity Training
The problem like stereotyping is prevented by many companies using diversity training. There are various role-playing and workshops conducted that reviews the scenarios which usually lead to a negative stereotypical situation. Training like this makes employees realise that though they acted innocently, their own actions were inappropriate. Diversity training plays an essential role in building a work environment where employees appreciate and understand individuals’ differences.

2. Automating Staff Management
Staff management can be automated to reduce stereotypical threats. Applications like OkStaff can be used by businesses to automate their workforce. Here’s why small business should use OkStaff:
1. It helps in maintaining transparency between employees and bosses.
2. There’s no need for multiple ledgers.
3. Improves the relationship and assurance of employees with the company.
4. Earn staff’s respect and gain loyalty.
5. Saves time since no need for manual calculations.
These are just a few benefits of using OkStaff. This app can help with staff management, payroll management, and it has a lot of other features.
Educating ourselves about stereotypes and conducting self-assessments is very important in reducing the stereotypical threats in businesses and work environments. Stereotypes should not potentially interfere with our interaction since every individual on a personal and professional level does/gets judged based on stereotypes. Stereotypes in small business only take away our valuable experience of getting insights, experience, and sharing relationships with different people on a genuine level. Apps like OkStaff makes it easy for small businesses to establish a good employee management system.
Also Read:
1) What Kind of Online Business can I Invest in?
2) E-Commerce Customer Service – 10 Best Practices [guide]
3) How to Improve your Business’s Online Customer Service?
4) OkCredit: Simple, Paperless & Secure solution for businesses
Q. What is a stereotype?
Ans. A fixed or generalised belief about an individual or a group based on a whole range of abilities and characteristics is stereotyping.
Q. Can a stereotype be positive?
Ans. Yes, stereotypes like “All Asians have great ability to solve math” are examples of a positive stereotype.
Q. How to do staff management of a small business?
Ans. Application like OkStaff is a great tool for staff management and payroll management.