How Do Marketers Use Twitter?
- The art of marketing is no more confined to phone calls and word of mouth.
- Digital marketing is the way to lead for small and medium business owners.
- It can pave the way for skyrocketing the growth of your brand.
- With a steady increase in the number of people spending long hours in the digital world, there’s no better time than now to invest in a good social media marketing strategy.
- Twitter is one such social media platform that is incredibly diverse.
- Thus, it has become a place where people from all groups of society share their opinions, product/service reviews and complaints, and experiences about their day to day lives and all that they encounter.
- With the exponential growth of users on the platform, the number currently stands at 320 million-plus monthly active users.
- Twitter is a promising platform for small and medium businesses to create awareness about their brand and also to reach out to their potential customers, and successfully convert them into happy clients.
- Twitter is a great networking platform that enables businesses to increase brand awareness, create conversations, and engage audiences to turn them into repeat customers.
- But all this can only be achieved if you keep the branded conversations interesting enough and pursue a strategic plan to engage followers.
- So, let’s dig into the basics of Twitter marketing and how to make it work for your brand.
- Twitter marketing is curating, publishing, and distributing content for your audience, and followers through a well-designed plan to meet your business objective.
- Whether your goal is to increase engagement with your audience, boost sales, generate leads, attract new followers, or to lure existing customers to get good reviews, it’s all achievable with the correct strategy.

Twitter Marketing Strategies
- As no two businesses are the same, their marketing strategy, too, differs from one another.
- Here, we lay down the basic structure of the Twitter marketing strategy and how to turn it in your favor.
Create An Account With A Simple Username And Brand-Centric
- The first thing that the users will read when you tweet is your username called “handle” in Twitter.
- Make sure that it aligns with your brand entity, and is simple yet crisp to bring an edge to your brand’s account username.
- Usually, the entire brand name is incorporated in the username with a slight change in spelling and spaces as per the username availability.
Pick A Clear Profile Picture, Header Image
- A clean and recognisable profile picture goes a long way in making people remember your brand easily.
- You can add your company’s logo in the profile picture or share a company image in the header of your profile, that shows the authenticity of your business.
Bio Is The Way To Go
- A profile bio is a 160-character about us for your brand to pitch to potential customers.
- It is an amazing way to entice customers by being a little funny and clever, to imbibe your company’s essence, and also to kickstart conversations around your bio.
- Include your company name, website, and location in the bio.
- You can even consider adding a few industry-related keywords and hashtags to increase your chances of appearing in search results when people are looking for anything similar to what you have to offer.
Tweet! But At the Right Time
- There are some specific days and also certain times during those days when people are most active on social media.
- To get higher CTRs (Click through rate) and to increase user engagement with your account, the best strategy is to post tweets when most of your followers are online.
- Twitter insights are a great way to understand your audience's engagement and the kind of content they like.
- Many sites give an analysis of your account’s followers and the metrics around them, including the time when they’re most active.
- So, tweet accordingly to get more impressions and to boost your posts.
Hashtag It
- An essential part of reaching out to potential customers is by using hashtags in your tweet.
- When a Twitter user searches for a hashtag included in your tweet, you show up in the search, increasing your reach.
- Some industry experts have found that tweets with hashtags achieve better engagement than those without the hashtags.
- But it is also important to note that the overuse of hashtags does more harm than good.
- To find the best hashtags for your brand, use Twitter analytics, which helps you find the most suitable options according to the keywords that you suggest.
- The key is to use specific and contextual keywords.

Better To Look At
- When you include an image or a GIF in your tweet, the user engagement is much higher.
- Using a high resolution and relevant image exponentially increases your chances of being noticed.
- A GIF is a to-and-fro picture that is best used to show emotions and, as a reaction to events.
- Social media is all about visual stimulation, and both image and GIF formats offer immense potential for the same.
Trends Win
- On Twitter, the recent happenings around the world are given high importance, and there’s a separate column for trending topics.
- As the platform is conversation centric, an issue that is mentioned at a high rate is prompted in the list of trending.
- To be a part of this conversation, you can tweet about it and include an image, GIF, or video in your tweet to increase your chances of showing up in other’s feeds.
Advertise Wise
- If you want to reach a higher follower count and get better exposure quickly, Twitter allows paid advertisements on its platform.
- It can expand your reach in very little time and will also enable you to reach a wider audience swiftly.
- When you promote a tweet, it shows up on the timeline of those users who share an interest relating to your brand.
- You can also plug-in your website and hashtags in a promotional tweet.
Customer Service
- Twitter is a platform where people often share their opinions and views very strongly.
- Rightly so, they share anger towards a product/service experience too.
- For your brand, it serves as an opportunity to calm an agonized customer and turn their disappointment around.
- With correct and timely solutions to their query, you not only retain a customer but also manage to make an impression that your brand is customer-friendly.
- You can even get feedback about how your business is perceived and the reputation it has.

Quote-Tweet, To Get More Retweets
- Identify the Twitter celebrities of your brand domain, often called influencers on social media, and interact with their posts regularly.
- When users see your comments and quote tweets about similar topics that interest them, you will end up getting exposure and increased followers with elevated engagement.
- Twitter marketing strategy involves all this and more, figure out what works for your business, once you start posting and analysing your post metrics.
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Q- How to set up a Twitter account?
- To sign-up on Twitter, you can use an email address or a phone number.
- A confirmation email or text will be sent to you to verify the OTP (one-time-password).
- Then, you will be asked to put in a password, after which your account will be created.
Q- What is the character length of a tweet?
Ans- There used to be a character limit of 140-words for tweets, which has now been doubled to 280-characters.
Q- What should a business post on Twitter?
Ans- You can post information about your business which may include but is not restricted to- brand announcements, industry news, launches, and sneak peek.
Q- Are there any specific dimensions required for the profile picture and header image?
- Yes, Twitter accepts the resolution of 400x400 pixels for a profile photo.
- Recommended dimensions for header images are 1500x500 pixels.
Q- Is there an eligibility criterion for Twitter ads?
- Yes, to advertise on Twitter, you must adhere to their ad policy.
- Your account should not be a new one, and it must include a legitimate profile picture, header image, handle name, and your bio should have your company URL mentioned that leads to an active website.
- The account should be public to post ads through the company’s handle.