Climate change has caused both individuals and companies to rethink their daily practices, be it waste management or using renewable sources of energy.
There are now plenty of conversations about energy sources, and in particular, environmentally friendly, sustainable energy. Solar energy has been at the forefront of this particular topic.
Solar power is one of the most sustainable sources of clean energy. It is also one of the most tested and effective sources of non-fossil fuel-based sources of energy. Solar energy is also the most practical and pragmatic infrastructure system in place for both commercial and domestic use.
All you need for this type of natural, green energy is a solar kit that includes panels, inverters, and batteries. The entire system can be installed on a single rooftop to meet the energy needs of the building.
Let’s see how solar power is useful for the environment and for businesses in India.
1. Reduces Air Pollution
The term clean energy indicates a non-pollutant, environmentally friendly system of sourcing energy. In India, most cities use a combination of hydel and thermal power, both of which have a massive carbon footprint.
Thermal energy in particular is harmful. It involves the burning of coal, gas, and diesel to generate electricity. This process creates harmful toxins and plays a big role in carbon emission levels in the air while also generating air pollutants as emissions.
Solar power is one of the cleanest sources of energy. This system involves harnessing the heat and light generated from the sun to create energy. It doesn’t add more pollutants which causes havoc on the environment and people’s health.
Solar power systems reduce the overall need for harmful burnt toxins as any excess energy generated can be redirected to the existing electrical grid.

2. Reduces the burden on water systems
Solar power’s current environmentally friendly counterpart is hydel power or hydroelectricity. The systems in use for hydroelectric power generation can be unreliable and heavily depends on monsoon rains and the water levels in our rivers.
To generate hydroelectricity, dams must be built to create reservoirs. This results in the flooding of basins which affects the local population and ecosystem. Many animals are displaced as a result and the well-balanced ecosystem is forced to recalibrate.
Solar power can effectively replace the need for hydroelectricity and positively impact the amount of water used to generate electricity. The local biodiversity can thrive as usual with no serious or lasting impacts on local ecosystems.
Many traditional forms of energy generation use a lot of water in their processes with liquid runoff that is usually dumped in local water bodies. Solar power does not need water in its process of generating energy and can impact the amount of water redirected towards this purpose.
3. Reduces the need for fossil fuels
For generations, mankind has depended largely on fossil fuels to generate electricity. While this system allowed us to produce the required levels of energy, the vast depletion of these fuels has created an energy crisis.
Fossil fuels are not renewable sources of energy. There is a finite amount of raw material available on the earth to create these fuels. As the raw material depletes, the fuels derived from this source will become harder to produce, resulting in higher prices.
The extraction and manufacture of fossil fuels cause much harm to the environment by releasing harmful by-products and pollutants as a part of the process. By shifting to renewable sources of energy, we reduce the burden on the environment and earth to meet our growing demands of energy.
Solar power is derived from the sun which is an infinite source of energy. With important strides being made in technology, we can now generate adequate amounts of energy in most climates. Previously, solar energy depended on the heat of the sun, which made it a feasible option only in hot countries. Now, the light from the sun is harnessed to generate energy. This has allowed even cold countries to use solar power for their electrical needs.
4. Help fight climate change
Climate change is caused by global warming. As the earth’s temperature continues to rise due to pollutants, the incidents of climate anomalies and rising sea levels become a real existential threat to humanity.
Global warming is traced to the excessive dumping of air pollutants into the atmosphere. These air pollutants, like CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions, are a result of massive and unfettered industrialisation. Most industrial processes result in the production of these greenhouse gases which trap heat and increase the earth’s temperature.
The production of energy from fossil fuels and other traditional sources of energy like biofuel is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse emissions. Unless a rapid and systemic shift to renewable sources of energy is not implemented, we will continue to feel the devastating effects of climate change. The recent super hurricanes and typhoons, uncontrollable wildfires, heat waves, and floods can all be traced to the vagrancies in the climate.
Scientists around the globe are in agreement that these types of weather anomalies will only continue to worsen with time if we do not drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
Solar power is an effective solution to this problem. It does not have any emissions and requires very little to no maintenance to keep it running effectively. Its minimal carbon footprint is one of the reasons environmentalists support and recommend the technology to be adopted widely. The technology can also be scaled up to meet larger requirements of energy. Since it is an extremely reliable source of energy, industries and businesses can safely invest in it.
Many countries offer subsidies and tax breaks for those who adopt solar power. In some instances, local governments also have a buy-back scheme where the excess energy generated can be redirected to the local grid.

Solar power is a tested and reliable source of renewable energy that can be used to positively impact the environment. While many strides have been made in the domestic application of the technology, its positive effect on the environment can only be felt when large industries and businesses adopt the same.
The environment faces several threats including energy generation. A combination of various renewable sources of energy along with subsidies and strong governmental policies can positively impact how and where we get our energy from.
Also read:
1) 12 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Solar Energy in India
2) How is the future of solar energy in India?
3) How to Start a Solar Energy Retail Business? All about solar energy retailership
4) Why Some Businesses Still Refrain From Using Solar Panels?